Appendix 1c: Solar System Data 3

Note: This data has been compiled from somewhat less reliable sources; do not use for life-critical applications!

Miscellaneous Data

           Gravity  Esc vel  M.O.V   Axial          Ascend   Peri- Equilib Surface  Press  Atmospheric
Name         (g)     (km/s)  (km/s)  incl   Oblate   node   helion   (K)     (K)    (atm)  Composition
---------  -------  -------  ------ ------  ------  ------  ------ ------- ------- ------  -----------
Mercury     0.378     4.44   47.87    0              48.35   77.44   449     440    0      --
Venus       0.907    10.36   35.02  177.36           76.72  131.56   328     730   93      CO2ĦA N2
Earth       1.000    11.19   29.79   23.45  .00335  354.90  102.83   279     287    1      N2ĦA O2ĦA Ar
Mars        0.377     5.03   24.13   25.19  .00519   49.60  335.99   226     218    0.007  CO2ĦA N2ĦA Ar
Jupiter     2.364    59.5    13.06    3.13  .06481  100.47   15.63   122     120    (x)    H2ĦA He
Saturn      0.916    35.5     9.66   26.73  .1076   113.71   92.80    90      88           H2ĦA He
Uranus      0.889    21.3     6.80   97.86  .030     74.06  176.29    64      59           H2ĦA HeĦA CH4
Neptune     1.125    23.5     5.44   29.60  .026    131.81    1.95    51      48           H2ĦA HeĦA CH4
Pluto       0.067     1.3     4.74  122.52          110.42  224.59    44      37    1e-5   N2ĦA CH4ĦA CO

Gravity     Equatorial surface gravity in g's (see also "Your Weight On Other Worlds")
Esc vel     Escape velocity in kilometers per second
M.O.V.      Mean Orbital Velocity in kilometers per second
Axial incl  Inclination of the rotation axis in degrees (obliquity)
Oblate      Oblateness
Ascend      Longitude of the ascending node
Perihelion  Longitude of perihelion
Equilib     Equilibrium temperature in Kelvins
Surface     Surface temperature in Kelvins
Press       Surface pressure in atmospheres

(x) for the jovian planets "surface" refers to the cloud tops or 1 bar level
Much more accurate and detailed data is available from JPL's Horizons telnet interface

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 2000 May 18