根據Orion & Ault( 2007)所提出學習地球科學的獨特性包括:歷史學方法、複雜系統對地球的作用、大尺度時間與空間的概念化、對視覺呈現與空間推理的需求、整合跨尺度解決問題的方法、及獨特的反推式科學思考等特性進行討論。
2019.05.03 清水高中地球科學教室 莊福泰校長、吳育雅老師、游大立老師、周漢強老師
本次繼續探討地球科學的特性,由吳育雅老師提供一篇King(2008)回顧地質科學教育的論文中,引用Orion & Ault( 2007)所提出學習地球科學的獨特性,敘述如下:
● the historical approach;(歷史學方法)
● the concern for complex systems acting over the Earth;(複雜系統對地球的作用)
● the conceptualisation of very large-scale phenomena through time and across space;(大尺度時間與空間的概念化)
● the need for visual representation as well as high demand upon spatial reasoning;(對視覺呈現與空間推理的需求)
● the integration across scales of solutions to problems; and(整合跨尺度解決問題的方法)
● the uniqueness of retrospective scientific thinking.(獨特的反推式科學思考)
這個原本出現在部編版基礎地球科學中的特性,並不是沒有出現在Orion & Ault( 2007)的論述之中,而是被放在接續下來的一個段落中討論。其討論的內容就是,最近這一、二十年以來,地球科學漸漸與環境科學的內容彼此融合,增加許多環境議題在探討人與環境之間的交互作用。例如山崩與土石流的議題就會連結到人為的開發,氣候變遷則會連結到人為溫室氣體的排放等等。也就是說,地球科學的學習漸漸跨越到一位未來公民所必須具備的選擇能力,兼具自然與社會的跨領域概念,實為地球科學正在演變的方向。
以下是Orion & Ault( 2007)論文中描述地球科學6項特性的內容。
1.The historical approach, pioneered by Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin, to scientific inquiry (e.g., Darwin’s account of the reefs around coral atolls of the Pacific: the islands as a sampling distribution across space and through time of what happens to a volcanic island as it rises and subsides over immense, unwitnessed durations).
2.The concern for complex systems acting over the Earth as whole (e.g., the several ”spheres”: hydro, geo, atmo, and their interaction with the biosphere) as well as analysis of their subsystems on more regional and local scales.
3.The conceptualization of very large-scale phenomena through time and across space (e.g., “deep time” and the construction of the geologic time scale).
4.The need for visual representation as well as high demand upon spatial reasoning (e.g., the role of geologic maps, contour maps, and the modeling of structures and dynamic processes, such as ocean currents and storms, in three dimensions).
5.The integration across scales of solutions to problems (e.g., the validation of me¬teor impact hypotheses with evidence gathered across scales from mineral crys¬tal to regional topography).
6.The uniqueness of retrospective scientific thinking. To unravel processes that took place millions of years ago, geologists have developed a distinctive way of thinking that involves retrospection. Geological inquiry applies knowledge of present-day processes in order to draw conclusions about the conditions of materials, processes, and environments of the past.
King, C., (2008) Geoscience education: an overview, Studies in Science
Education, 44:2, 187-222, DOI: 10.1080/03057260802264289
Orion, N., & Ault, C. (2007). Learning Earth sciences. In S. Abell, & N. Lederman (Eds.),
Handbook of research on science teaching and learning. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.